Polling Predictions #4

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Well here we are for the fourth time with a brief look at the opinion polls. Don’t trust them an inch but rather look at the trends. It is with great delight that I can report that the list of fallen MPs continues to expand and even better, their margins of defeat are increasing. I do not celebrate Keith becoming PM but I am happy that the hindu dwarf is blindly struggling on and making the inevitable Tory defeat more humiliating by the day.

The aforementioned increases are only in the 1 and 2 percent range but very few, if any, Tories are heading in the other direction. Meanwhile Labour incumbents are enjoying majorities that would bring a smile to Kim Wrong Un.

Poor old Johnny Mercer has gone from being safe by 0.6% to being out on his ear by 1.1%. You can tell he is desperate to keep his seat because he has popped up on news reports a few times. The more astute among the Tories heading for a fall will be angling for a well paying non-job somewhere. Most people would bite your arm off for a job paying what our useless MPs get. Add on tens of thousands for a family member employed as some kind of assistant, lots of expenses fiddles and you have to be in the top one percent of earners in this country. All of this needs no qualifications, little wonder they queue up to join the gravy train. A thick skin is most definitely an asset though narcissism and being a sociopath seem to be fairly common traits.

With a heavy heart I have to report that the Tory survivors are not losing any vote share. The only consolation in this is that NikNak is making such a hash of his job that surely it will result in some kind of swing. It is also to be noted that “Dead eyes” Mordaunt is now supposed to be the favourite among the deluded Tory faithful, she has taken over from BS Queen Kemi Badenoch. There was talk last week of a mysterious Candidate X who was going to miraculously appear and save them from their fate. Ain’t gonna happen, deus ex machina only happens in the theatre.

There has been little indication that Reform are going to snap up any Tory seats. The only positive I have heard about them was that Nigel Farage would win Clacton if he stood there. I believe the former vicar in the TV series Bread, Giles Watling, will keep his seat unless the grifter stands against him. I consider this unlikely, Nigel will not want to be the sole Reform MP in the Commons. When the history books come to be written Tice will go down as no better and perhaps even worse than the hindu dwarf. The man is a spectacular disaster. I hope his evenings with la Oakshott are some kind of compensation.

The woodpile is full of unanswered questions. How much will George Galloway damage Labour and can the SNP keep their seats in Scotland considering the shameful antics of Humza Useless. The polls are not giving any indication that the SNP will lose many seats. How rubbish can Labour be in Scotland when even the disastrous SNP are still beating them. Not only is Humza completely useless but the details of Sturgeon’s corruption are slowly trickling out. The Scots, or at least enough of them, seem to enjoy the prospect of generations of corrupt government.

The polls are not even mentioning Galloway’s Workers Party of GB. He has indicated he has around 60 candidates ready to stand in selected seats. One usually assumes these will be seats full of muzz voters. He must stand a good chance of getting quite a few MPs, the muzz follow orders from the mosque. Even if the WPGB took 60 seats it will not be enough to derail Keith’s victory. I wonder if their candidates will all be men with wild eyes and beards ? The last obvious candidate with a fully formed beard that I can remember was the turkey baster wielding Caledonian Cyclops.

Friday arrives and with it the sad news that the old hag Theresa May will be stepping down at the next GE. With a predicted vote share of 42% compared to 28% for Labour this is an opportunity for another chancer to get a Tory seat. The boundaries have changed for 2024 so it may all be up in the air. There will be a lot of competition for this seat. I wonder why she has thrown in the towel. Maybe she has had an offer she can’t refuse, maybe her past is coming to haunt her or perhaps she doesn’t want to sit in the Commons with the rump of the Tories. I can think of a few other reasons but it’s all speculation.

The images this week are the latest additions to the survivors and the fallen. Paul Scully is level with his opponent and for some reason it is assumed he will survive, I have no idea who he is but please let him lose.

Then we have the number of seats prediction, happy to write that the number of Tories is falling.

This is followed by a list of national polls by various companies. As usual they are all over the place but the most recent YouGov from the 6th and 7th 0f March shows a 27% deficit for the Tory scum (© Crayons) while People Polling (me neither) from the 7th March gives a 28% deficit.

Then we have a list of the survivors and their trends. It gives me no pleasure to report that their winning margins are not shrinking at all, there must be something in the water in these places.

Finally we have a selected list of the fallen and their trends. Just over a week ago there was a tiny change for the better for these poor souls (from my point of view slightly worse) because it looked like they were not going to lose so heavily. Since the hindu dwarf has been rushing about pretending that he is making things better, it has taken a turn in the opposite direction. More power to his elbow, the man is totally clueless when it comes to knowing what to do.

As a general observation, Reform are polling slightly above the LibDems but stand to win around 30 fewer seats, in other words none. It just shows that you have to target your efforts where you stand a chance. This is what George Galloway is going to do. It is obvious Tice, unlike the Times crossword, does not have a clue and will sail merrily on trying to be all things to all men everywhere and Reform will fall flat on its face. If it reduces the number of Tory MPs, and it may do just that, then for those of us who want to see the Tories destroyed it will have done something useful.


© well_chuffed 2024