Crossword No. 147

© Richard Puller 2020, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2020
1 Gland in loins stimulated in New York (4,6) 2 Me on horror film? (4)
8 Useless Labour leader to die? (4)3 ‘Love’ is good for your hand! (5)
10 They’re not what they say they are! (10)4 Sly Russian leaders are bad tempered (5)
11 I run then collapse (4)5 Republican leader eats taco live on stage (5)
12 BP’s hero (4)6 Conservative leader to die, throwing up with spots (4)
15 Republican leader gets woke in NY, NY (3,4)7 Tire of inserting tip of finger into gal (4)
18 I dress up in lace as a ‘lady’ (5)9 Split develops as UK leader is compromised in Peking bar (8,2)
19 Gets aroused in Crete? (5)10 Lived covered in bling and was good at ‘going down’ (6,4)
20 Note proclaims victory to beer… (5)13 Top of Hancock’s head stirs up ‘reds’ (5,5)
21 … and to gin, that’s valuable! (5)14 Queen and Republican leader joined Epstein on space ship! (10)
22 Rope’s applied to Owen Jones (5)15 End of Carrie (nut)? Pen used to describe heavenly body! (7)
23 No topless fun in marriage! (5)16 Canoe used at sea? (5)
24 Endless energy from renewables (5)17 Isolating, Keir’s head is covered by toupee on backwards! (4,3)
25 Join her in US to find a seat (5)20 I joined Barr in the rose garden (5)
26 Arse is covered by net when sober (7)27 Stare at flower? (5)
30 Hide - Labour leader eaten by pet! (4)28 Snore like a Norwegian! (5)
33 Are call girls ex cons? (4)29 Throw up after a half of sloe gin (5)
34 Hag on twitter looks like a duck’s arse! (10)31 Bad stuff going down in Seville (4)
35 All-black definition on Wiki? (4)32 Diane Abbott isn’t like a Tory wearing wig! (4)
36 ‘Rear entry’ with Greta presents endless danger! (6,4)33 Small ejaculation from tip of penis in hut! (4)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

Contact here on email

Last week’s winner of a GP mug. 146 – MarcusJuniusBrutus.

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2020

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 146


1 Amphetamine 8 Eton College 11 Inch 12 Olea 13 D-notice 15 Silaged 16 Kafka 17 Ache 18 Ebro 19 Alone 21 Company 22 Kneeler 23 Exes 26 Atom 27 Renal artery 28 Enlisted men


2 Moth 3 Hancock 4 Two’s 5 Malaria 6 No go 7 Bird watcher 8 Echo chamber 9 Eligibility 10 Cardiograms 14 Early 15 Skunk 19 Anasazi 20 Enacted 24 Sewn 25 Matt 26 Arse

© Richard Puller 2020

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 147 & Answers to Number 146