Characteristics of Government Today
Two hundred years ago Lord Macauley wrote “the measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out”. This intriguing insight is as true of [more…]
Two hundred years ago Lord Macauley wrote “the measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out”. This intriguing insight is as true of [more…]
Several readers expressed surprise that last week’s essay concerned my personal NHS experiences rather than the pressing issues of the day. In such a rapidly changing economic picture no commentary can ever be bang-up-to-date, while [more…]
Warren buffet famously quipped: “When the tide goes out you can see who has been bathing naked!” Now we know! Both candidates for the premiership are senior Conservative Cabinet members and Ministerial office-holders, and naturally [more…]
A paradox is an apparent absurdity or contradiction that, on close investigation, is found to be true. What’s happening in government right now is hardly paradoxical – it certainly appears to be both absurd and [more…]
In 1798 Thomas Malthus postulated his gloomy theory that the growth in population must always outstrip the means of subsistence needed to support it: “Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only [more…]
Veteran observers of economic folly have the advantage of experience. They are already familiar with the failed policies being enacted, yet again, by unprincipled politicians whose sole motivation is re-election. In the meanwhile these pillars [more…]
With prices increasing rapidly across a wide range of materials, goods and products, especially basics like foodstuffs and energy, it is astonishing that what citizens now encounter every day is so persistently, and perversely, denied [more…]
The great debate now obsessing Treasury bosses and central bankers is whether all those trillions they continue to print so obsessively are at last producing a perceptible bout of hyperinflation. Before trying to make sense [more…]
Economically speaking, we are in a pickle. The blame-game is in full flow in its search for scapegoats. The most obvious culprit is, of course, the Covid virus, but it would be a huge mistake [more…]
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