1 I go “Amen” to hemp! It’s a drug! (11) | 2 Hot, jjggling ‘tom’ was very flighty (4) |
8 Boris’s background is cool and genteel (4,7) | 3 ..see 25 |
11 A 2.54 cm chin is broken? (4) | 4&21 Moscow displays panty before a crowd! (4,7) |
12 No ale served up in ‘bush’ (4) | 5 I raise alarm - “a disease!” (7) |
13 Large bra catches the eye – It’ll never be reported! (1-6) | 6 Goon is not allowed here (2,2) |
15 Farmer processed ‘grass’, is found in glade (7) | 7 Shag observer is bracing to accept width! (4,7) |
16 Front of Ford Ka twice damaged by Bohemian (5) | 8 Conservative leader in breach at home – he’s talking to himself again! (4,7) |
17 Each twist causes a pain (4) | 9 Chosen three romans to appear on big telly (11) |
18 Disheveled robe found in river (4) | 10 Showing my heart to Di getting orgasm in rear of car! (11) |
19 Endless baloney will make you stay single (5) | 14 A troubled year for Labour leader – he got in too soon! (5) |
21 Entertaining visitors with my ‘cap’ on (7) | 15 Sun: “Two thousand pounds for cannabis” (5) |
22 BLM supporter is keener about Labour leader (7) | 19 Indian dressed up as a Nazi! (7) |
23 English leader has sex with former girlfriends (4) | 20 A decent way to make new laws? (7) |
26 Prostitute is in pieces? (4) | 24 New Scottish leader? It's a stitch up! (4) |
27 Early ranter bursts blood vessel (5,6) | 25&3 Health secretary will act on putting match down tip of knob (4,7) |
28 Soldiers in need? Listen to military leader! (8,3) | 26 Starmer hides his buttocks! (4) |
Going Postal Crossword 146 “El Krakenador Special Non-Cryptic Quick Clues”
1 Speed (11) 8 Boris’s school (4,7) 11 Measurement (4) 12 Shrubbery (4) 13 Government means to suppress news (1-6) 15 Fermented grass (7) 16 Novellist (5) 17 Throb (4) 18 Spanish river (4) 19 Single (5) 21 ..see 4 22 Church cushion (7) 23 Former lovers (4) 26 Particle (4) 27 Blood vessel (5,6) 28 Other military ranks (8,3)
2 Flying insect (4) 3 ..see 25 4&21 Ideal number of people on a date (4,7) 5 Tropical disease (7) 6 Inaccessible (2,2) 7 Twitcher (4,7) 8 Site for like-minded folk (4,7) 9 Qualifying (11) 10 Heart scans (11) 14 Before time (5) 15 Animal (5) 19 Colorado tribe (7) 20 Passed law (7) 24 Stitched up (4) 25&3 Useless Secretary of State (4,7) 26 Diane Abbott’s is large! (4)
First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.
Contact here on email
Last week’s winner of a GP mug. 145 – b-bob.

Answers with next week’s crossword.
Solution to Crossword No. 145
1 Knifemen 5 Asides 9 Emigrate 10 Somali 12 Lotteries 13 Legal 14 Vice 16 Offence 19 Croydon 21 Cosh 24 Offal 25 Ropewalks 27 Eraser 28 String up 29 Sheets 30 Albertan
1 Kneels 2 Idiots 3 Eerie 4 Entwine 6 Shoplifts 7 Dragging 8 Shielded 11 Oslo 15 Indulgent 17 Scooters 18 Conflate 20 Nerd 21 Capital 22 Flight 23 Ash pan 26 White
© Richard Puller 2020
Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 146 & Answers to Number 145